Function and scope of application of desktop stress tester PSV-202

  • Source: Unknown
  • Date: November 27, 2021
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Equipment function:
PSV-202 Stress tester It has a wide range of applications, and its industrial customers include: Lekou, Heraeus (Germany), Daiwa Thermomagnetic (Ferrotec, Japan), etc. This stress testing instrument can detect glass and plastic accessories, and is used for offline/online quality control to monitor annealing stress. This PSV-202 stress tester has enough space for various products to measure. During the measurement, the object to be measured is mainly observed and measured by holding it in polarized light.
Scope of application:
1. Suitable for testing transparent and complex glass and sapphire products.
2. Suitable for testing transparent plastic products.
Code of practice:
The stress of glass and plastic products has birefringence characteristics. That is to say, the stress of such products can divide each kind of light of the polarized lamp into different constituent units, which in turn produce optical interference phenomenon, namely ripple pattern.
Under the white light, this pattern is composed of colored ripples, and the colored pattern is produced by stress. Two main stresses can be observed from the pattern difference of the tested sample.
PSV-202 measures the stress of glass products before/after annealing by observing interference patterns and colors, and then measures the working condition of annealing equipment. (The qualification standard is generally formulated by the manufacturer).
The detection of plastic mold is more complex. Although the detection pattern is also produced by stress, it is irregular. A similar situation occurs in glass products, which is called stress stretching. For example, a qualified mold will have a large amount of tension released stress.

The above is the sharing of "desk stress tester PSV-202 equipment function and scope of application" by Dongyi Seiko, the stress gauge supplier.
The glass surface stress meter is used to check the size and distribution of stress in transparent objects. It is not only widely used in optical glass, optical instruments, glass products, plastic products and other industries, but also plays an important role in the inspection of safety explosion-proof indicators of building materials, lamps, pharmaceuticals, beverages, handicrafts, and also has many applications in the fields of crystal jewelry production, geology and minerals, and materials science. At the same time, the surface stress instrument provided by Dongyi Seiko is also an ideal teaching experimental equipment for colleges and universities.

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