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Scattered light photoelastic stress meter
Model: SLP-2000

This machine can use the principle of scattered photoelasticity to measure the lithium sodium ion exchange chemically tempered glass that cannot be measured before. If there is a potassium ion layer near the surface, it can be combined with the data of the FSM-6000L surface stress meter to analyze the stress distribution of the section.
  Scattered light photoelastic stress meter
Model: SLP-2000
yle="width: 377px; height: 319px;" />   
This machine can use the principle of scattered photoelasticity to measure the lithium sodium ion exchange chemically tempered glass that cannot be measured before. If there is a potassium ion layer near the surface, it can be combined with the data of the FSM-6000L surface stress meter to analyze the stress distribution of the section.
<Standard deviation>
Yle="width: 76px;">Model Yle="width: 82px;">Wavelength yle="width:85px;"> CT-CV yle="width:85px;"> DOL-Zero
yle="width:76px;"> SLP-1000 yle="width:82px;"> 640nm yle="width:85px;"> 5.65Mpa yle="width:85px;"> 2.16um
yle="width:76px;"> SLP-2000 yle="width:82px;"> 518nm yle="width:85px;"> 1.51Mpa yle="width:85px;"> 1.42um
yle="width:76px;"> SLP-2000 yle="width:82px;"> 405nm yle="width:85px;"> 1.00Mpa yle="width:85px;"> 1.27um
. Data of 20 times of calibration sheet test.
The refractive index and photoelastic coefficient of corresponding wavelength are required for measurement.

Measurement range: stress intensity 0-2000Mpa, stress layer depth 10-600um
Measurement resolution: stress intensity 5MPa, stress layer depth 5um
Measurement accuracy: the depth from the surface is more than 50um, the stress intensity is ± 10Mpa, and the depth is ± 10um (the calibration plate is the reference)
Light source: LD 518nm 20mw Class 3B or 405nm 30m W Class 3B
Application: chemically tempered glass, 2-section reinforced glass, physically reinforced glass
Sample shape: flat - 1000R 10X10mm above
Prism refractive index: 1.518@518nm  / 1.530@405nm
Computer: inter core i5 and above
System: Windows10 Professional 64 bit
Dimension (main body): W320XD280xH220mm (stress meter host)
Weight (main body): 10Kg (main body of stress meter)
*FSM data synthesis requires additional Fsm encryption locks
*If the 405nm LD is used continuously for a long time, the optical components inside the device will be damaged. Therefore, compared with LD of other wavelengths, the replacement cycle of parts is faster

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