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Test method and characteristics of residual stress detector

  • Source: Unknown
  • Date: 2021-04-28
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Residual stress detector, in Glass stress detection The application is common. Today, Dongyi Seiko shared the "test method and characteristics of residual stress detector", hoping to help you.
Residual stress detector test method
The measurement methods of residual stress can be divided into two categories: destructive testing and nondestructive testing. The destructive test method is the stress release method, which can also be called the mechanical method; Non destructive method is physical method.
The mechanical method (destructive) is the drilling method (blind hole method), followed by the ring core method for certain objects. X-ray diffraction is the most widely used physical method (non-destructive), and other main physical methods include neutron diffraction, magnetic method and ultrasonic method.
Each test method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Generally, the test method that is more suitable for the workpiece is selected by taking advantage of the advantages and avoiding the disadvantages. Sigmar residual stress detector mainly adopts blind hole method for testing, and other methods are used as auxiliary means.
Residual stress detector characteristic
Taking the full automatic residual stress detector as an example, its characteristics are as follows:
1. Automatic switching and time-sharing measurement of 3-channel static strain
2. The elastic modulus can be set to measure the static stress of various materials
3. It can eliminate the influence of additional strain in drilling, automatically detect, accurately calculate, and display and record residual stress on the LCD( σ 1、 σ 2、 θ)
4. The blind hole release coefficient can be calculated automatically. It is not only applicable to materials with known blind hole strain release coefficients A and B, but also can be used to convert more accurate coefficients and measure residual stress for materials with unknown blind hole strain release coefficients through relevant theoretical formulas. In fact, A and B of a large number of tested materials are unknown, which is inconvenient or not calibrated by test. If we do not consider A and B, which are very different from each other, the calculation results of residual stress will be completely wrong. Because the strain release coefficients of different materials may vary greatly, this automatic residual stress detector is very convenient and accurate for measuring the residual stress of unknown materials A and B
5. With USB interface, data can be transferred to the outside or sent to PC for reprocessing
6. Mass storage of measurement results and convenient listing, query and printing
7. Embedded printer, online printing results, such as main stress σ 1、 σ 2 and principal stress direction θ
8. Strain gauge sensitivity can be set
9. Poisson's ratio, release coefficient, etc. can be set
10. Massive storage of measurement results and convenient listing, query and printing
11. It adopts 5.7 ″ single LCD screen and special humanized case, which is intuitive and convenient
12. The equipment operation interface adopts the pull-down menu, and it is very convenient to input or query various options and workpiece material parameters
The above is the sharing of Dongyi Seiko on "testing methods and characteristics of residual stress detector". Shenzhen Dongyi Seiko Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the supply of stress testers, glass stress testers, Japanese original stress testers, fsm-6000le surface stress testers and other stress detection equipment, and provides professional laboratory solutions and equipment support services. Consulting hotline: 400-992-8117

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