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Detection principle and maintenance precautions of glass stress tester

  • Source: Unknown
  • Date: 2021-07-22
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Glass Stress tester It is used to measure the surface stress of chemically strengthened and physically strengthened glass. It is commonly used in glass stress detection. Today, Dongyi Seiko shared the "detection principle and maintenance precautions of glass stress tester", hoping to help you.
Detection principle and maintenance precautions of glass stress tester
The glass stress gauge is an instrument that applies the principle of polarized light interference to check the internal stress gauge of glass or the birefringence effect of crystal. Since the instrument is equipped with a sensitive color chip, the instrument can measure the internal stress of glass qualitatively or semi quantitatively according to the interference color sequence in the polarization field. Therefore, this instrument is suitable for optical instrument factory, glass factory and glass product factory to measure the stress of optical glass, glass products and other optical materials.
Glass stress tester Detection principle:
When a birefringent material is placed between the orthogonal polarizer and the polarizer, the interference color will appear in the field of view. A certain interference color corresponds to a certain birefringent optical path difference, and its relationship is shown in the table.
The full wave plate between the polarizing mirror and the polarizing mirror is a thin skin made of polymer material, and its birefringence is widely different - 565 nanometers. It shows that the interference color in the field of view is purplish red.
If a test piece is added between the orthogonal polarizers in addition to the full wave plate, the combined optical path difference of the two will be greater or less than 565 nm, and the interference color will also change accordingly. The value of the combined optical path difference can be obtained by looking up the interference color table.
Stressed glass test pieces are also birefringent materials. Putting such test pieces into the stress inspection optical path will also cause the change of interference color, just like the situation mentioned above where additional test pieces are put into the optical path. Only because the stress of glass test pieces is not evenly distributed, the birefringent optical path difference at each point of the test piece is also different, Results The interference color change of each point in the field of view is also different.

Glass stress tester Precautions for maintenance and use:
1. The instrument shall be used in a dry environment, and attention shall be paid to dust prevention and anti-corrosion gas. Put it away after use.
2. The surface of each optical element in the instrument shall not be touched by hand. If there is dust, it can be gently brushed off with a brush.
3. The instrument shall be handled with care to prevent falling and bumping.
4. When using this machine, it is necessary to avoid connecting to the Internet and LAN, as well as floppy disks or hard disks with virus USB interfaces.
5. Please handle the tested sample with care when operating the machine to avoid damage to the prism; When the detection image is not clearly displayed, please use a cotton swab stick dipped in industrial alcohol to gently wipe the prism surface and bevel.
6. Please use the original supporting consumables (that is, 1.64 refractive index refractive liquid with model GS-1) to avoid damage to the prism.
7. Please use the machine indoors to avoid strong light. The indoor air should not be too humid and the pH should be moderate.
8. Keep away from other chemicals.
9. If any abnormality occurs during use, please contact Dongyi Seiko immediately to solve it.
10. Please operate the computer configuration of this machine correctly, and do not force the machine to shut down at will to avoid computer damage.
The above is the sharing of Dongyi Seiko on the "detection principle and maintenance precautions of glass stress tester". Shenzhen Dongyi Precision Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the supply of stress detectors, glass Stress tester , Japan Gehara stress meter, Gehara FSM6000LE glass surface stress meter and other stress detection equipment, providing professional laboratory solutions and equipment support services, consultation hotline: 400-992-8117

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