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What is glass stress

  • Source: Unknown
  • Date: June 28, 2020
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Glass stress refers to the internal force that interacts between various parts of the glass when the glass is deformed due to external factors (stress, humidity, temperature field change, etc.) to resist the effect of such external factors and try to restore the glass from the deformed position to the position before deformation.
The stress of glass directly affects the strength of glass. The thermal cracking of glass is caused by excessive thermal stress; The broken glass is caused by excessive mechanical stress caused by mechanical impact force or impact force; The self explosion of glass is caused by the excessive stress inside the glass. In addition, the increase in the strength of the glass due to thermal or chemical tempering is caused by the increase in the compressive stress on the surface of the glass. Therefore, the stress and strength of glass are closely related.
Classification of glass stress:
1) Plane stress: it is caused by the uneven transverse temperature of the annealing furnace. It is measured by various online stress meters. Its size is independent of the length of the annealing furnace, that is, it is independent of the cooling speed of the glass belt, but only depends on the transverse temperature distribution of the glass plate. Plane stress has a great influence on the breaking of the glass belt and the breaking of the glass edge. After the breaking of the edge, most of the plane stress disappears, It has little effect on the further processing of glass. For thick glass, the problems caused by plane stress are mainly multiple corners, edge splitting, white slag, etc
2) Thickness stress: also called end face stress, is caused by the temperature difference between the glass surface and the plate core during cooling. It is determined by the length of the annealing kiln. When the length of the annealing kiln is fixed, the inlet and outlet temperatures of each zone, namely the cooling rate, directly determine the size of the stress. Thickness stress not only affects the primary production of glass, but also has a great impact on subsequent deep processing, It should be an important indicator of the ex factory quality of glass products; The main influence on deep processing is not easy to cut, tempering furnace
The glass stress test method is a nondestructive measurement method, which requires the glass specially provided by Shenzhen Dongyi Precision Equipment Co., Ltd Stress detector To complete the test. The glass stress detector is named after the application of polarized light interference principle to check the internal stress of glass. It is specialized in detecting the stress index of glass bottles, and can be used to detect the stress index of glass containers such as ampoules, vials, infusion bottles, wine bottles, jars, cosmetics bottles, and to control the quality of glass bottles.
The above is the sharing of Shenzhen Dongyi Precision Equipment Co., Ltd. on "What does glass stress mean?". Glass stress detection is very important in glass quality detection. Shenzhen Dongyi Seiko Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the supply of stress testers, glass stress testers, Japanese original stress testers, fsm-6000le surface stress testers and other stress detection equipment, and provides professional laboratory solutions and equipment support services. Consulting hotline: 400-992-8117

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