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Parameters and precautions of full-automatic FSM-6000LE glass surface stress tester

  • Source: Unknown
  • Date: July 15, 2020
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The glass surface stress meter is used to measure the surface stress of chemically strengthened and physically strengthened glass. Full automatic FSM-6000LE glass surface stress tester is commonly used in glass stress detection. Today, Dongyi Seiko is sharing with you "Full automatic FSM-6000LE glass surface Stress tester Parameters and precautions ", I hope it can help you.
Parameters of full-automatic FSM-6000LE glass surface stress tester
Range: 0-1000Mpa
Measurement accuracy: ± 20Mpa
Measurement range (stress layer depth): 0-200 μ m
Accuracy (stress layer depth): ± 5 μ m
Light source: special LED wavelength 592 ± 2nm
Measurement object: chemically strengthened glass, physically strengthened glass
Measuring shape: flat glass 10 × 10mm or above
Prism: S-LAL-10 ND=1.72
PC: special (OS, measurement software installed
OS: Windows XP Professional
Light source: FSM-LED590
Power supply: AC220V ± 5V 5A
Size: 300 × 600 × 250 (measuring head) Weight: 14KG
200 × 400 × 400 (PC) Weight: 5KG
250 × 400 × 400 (monitor) weight: 3KG
Full automatic FSM-6000LE glass surface stress tester matters needing attention
1. When using this machine, it is necessary to avoid connecting to the Internet and LAN, as well as floppy disks or hard disks with virus USB interfaces.
2. Please handle the tested sample gently when operating the machine to avoid damage to the prism; When the detection image is not clearly displayed, please use a cotton swab stick dipped in industrial alcohol to gently wipe the prism surface and bevel.
3. Please use the original supporting consumables (that is, the model of GS-1 1.64 refractive index refractive liquid) to avoid damage to the prism.
4. Please use the machine indoors to avoid strong light. The indoor air should not be too humid and the pH should be moderate.
5. Please keep away from other chemicals.
6. In case of any abnormality during use, please contact the relevant supplier immediately to solve it.
7. Please keep the original factory manual and relevant factory report documents.
8. The machine consumables "FSM-LED590 light source" should be replaced with new parts after the end of service life before continuing to use.
9. Please be sure to keep the password dog provided by the original manufacturer of this machine, and be responsible for any loss.
10. Please correctly operate the computer configuration of the machine, and do not force the machine to shut down at will to avoid computer damage.
The above is the sharing of Dongyi Seiko on "parameters and precautions of the full-automatic FSM-6000LE glass surface stress tester". Professional supply of Shenzhen Dongyi Precision Equipment Co., Ltd Stress tester , glass stress detector, Japanese Genuine stress detector, Genuine FSM6000LE glass surface stress meter and other stress detection equipment, providing professional laboratory solutions and equipment support services, consultation hotline: 400-992-8117

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