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What are the bottle cap inspection equipment?

  • Source: Unknown
  • Date: September 22, 2020
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The bottle cap is mainly used to isolate the reaction between the contents and the outside air. The screwing force index of the bottle cap is an important index to ensure the integrity, reliability and applicability of the product packaging. In order to ensure the normal use of bottled goods and give full play to their use value, the national standard GB/T17876-2010 Plastic Anti theft Bottle Caps for Packaging Containers clearly stipulates the opening force, twisting force, tightness and other test indicators of bottle caps.
GB/T17876-2010 Packaging Container Plastic Anti theft Bottle Cap specifies the measurement method of bottle cap tightness;
For the non carbonic acid cap, use the cap torque meter to seal the cap according to the rated torque meeting the cap requirements, use the cap tightness tester MFY-06 to test, pressurize it to 200kPa, keep it under water for 1min, observe whether there is air leakage, then increase the pressure to 350kPa, keep it for 1min, and observe whether the cap is loose and pops out. It is required that there shall be no air leakage at 200kPa and no cover off at 350kPa.
For the carbonic acid cap, use the cap torque meter to seal the cap according to the rated torque meeting the capping requirements, cut off the anti-theft ring, use the cap tightness tester MFY-06 to test, pressurize it to 690kPa, keep it under water for 1min, observe whether there is air leakage, then increase the pressure to 1207kPa, keep it for 1min, and observe whether the cap is loose and pops out. It is required that there shall be no air leakage at 690kPa and no cover off at 1207kPa.

(1) Bottle cap tightness tester MFY-06
The cap tightness tester MFY-06 uses the principle of positive pressure experiment to inject a certain positive pressure gas into the sample bottle through special tooling. After a certain pressure holding time, the instrument automatically judges whether the sample is well sealed or the maximum pressure value during blasting. It is suitable for testing the sealing and breaking strength of anti-theft bottle caps, aerosol valves, composite hoses, packaging bags, composite cylinders, composite paper cups, sterile medical equipment packaging bags and other materials. MFY-06 can realize multiple experiments such as end cap detachment force, anti-theft bottle cap sealing, creep test, creep rupture, aerosol valve sealing, creep to rupture, aluminum tube sealing test, etc. by replacing the corresponding fixture. Sealer is widely used in medical equipment, pharmacy, food, packaging, quality inspection and other industries.
(2) Cap torque meter NLY-20A
The bottle cap torque meter NLY-20A fixes the sample bottle body on a specially made torque clamp, the bottom end of which is fixed on the torque sensor in the test box, and the bottle body is driven by rotating the bottle cap, thus causing the response of the torque sensor to test the required torque value for clockwise or counterclockwise rotation of the bottle cap. It is suitable for testing the torque value of bottle cap locking, opening and screwing of packaging products such as penicillin bottles, pharmaceutical plastic bottles, beverage bottles, mineral water bottles, milk bottles, edible oil barrels, etc., and is widely used in bottle cap production, quality inspection centers, food, medicine, cosmetics and other industries.
(3) Automatic capping dynamometer XGY-02
The instrument uses automatic rotation of the bottle cap to drive the bottle body, so as to cause the response of the torque sensor to test the torque value required for clockwise or counterclockwise rotation of the bottle cap.
In daily life, bottled goods are widely used. Bottle caps are an important indicator to ensure the integrity and reliability of product packaging. Professional bottle cap detection instruments are used to control product quality and ensure the sealing, applicability, presetting and fatigue resistance of bottle caps.

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